Monday, October 25, 2010

Environmental Learning Center

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Last week we had a great day at the Environmental Learning Center .. we were there for hours and the kids were just so inspired and happy, it was a beautiful fall day, sunny, and warm.... just perfect! ...It was also so healing and empowering to be surrounded by the trees of this forest preserve.
We had 2 guides that helped the kids to recognized different animals tracks and signs, so we were walking and trying to find signs of animals and also identifying what kind of animals left what "evidence" behind. How nice to see the kids so interested in poo and trying to find out what animal left it there, and what kind of food that animal eats... etc..
Vincent even found a turtle shell!! and after the hike they had a nice presentation about "producers, consumers and decomposer" and the kids run though the forest with magnifying glasses finding different kinds of decomposer.
I thought it was great for the kids to understand those biological concepts, and in such a fun way!


La semana pasada tuvimos un dia precioso en el Centro de aprendizaje ambiental, pasamos ahi horas dentro de estos bosques rodeados de una belleza natural que me llenaba el espiritu. El dia fue perfecto, soleado y caliente....
Teniamos dos guias que ayudaron a los ninos a reconocer distintos tipos de hueyas de animales, asi que caminamos por el bosque y los ninos estaban totalmente involucrados en reconocer los distintos tipos de hueyas y que podiamos aprender sobre los animales atraves de su excremento o el porte de las patas, sus casas etc..
Vincent incluso encontro una concha de tortuga! y despues de la caminata los guias tenian una clase de biologia sobre organismos productores, consumidores y descomponedores
y los ninos corrieron por el bosque con lupas buscando distintos tipos de descomponedores.
Me encanto ver como los ninos entendieron tan facilmente la diferencia de estos organismos y de una manera tan entretenida!

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